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    Why Hilverda de Boer?

    ✔ Unrivalled broad and deep range of products
    ✔ Active globally, known locally
    ✔ We speak your language
    ✔ Innovation
    ✔ Quality is in our DNA
    ✔ Personal attention
    ✔ A deal is a deal


    Hilverda De Boer reference wholesaler

    “Hilverda De Boer is a company with a spectacular assortment. We always find what we need there and it’s always top quality.” – Wholesaler in Sweden

    Hilverda De Boer reference wholsaler

    ““The attention and the advice of their staff is very good. Pleasant and professional people who really know what they’re talking about. Hilverda De Boer has the largest assortment that I’ve seen in The Netherlands and that’s saying something.” – Wholesaler in Spain